First: Do not change the ending!
Bioware reps have already made it clear that they are not going to change the ending. Aside from anything else, they have stated that there will be additional cinematics to 'clarify' the ending. I don't think clarity of the ending was the problem, it was pretty clear. Shepard dies, Mass Relays blow up, Normandy crashes. The end.
But I am very, VERY glad that they are not going to retcon the ending to something else. For one thing, there is no way any other ending will satisfy 100% of the fans. No matter what people will be unhappy and they will complain, that's what people on the internet do. I am glad, however, that the company is continuing to support their development team. They could have easily undercut their work and the fact that Bioware supports the ending is a clear sign of supporting the team's artistic vision.
Second: Give us additional missions.
Don't change the ending, and don't give us cinematics to 'clarify' things. Cinematics are exposition, plain and simple, and in an interactive medium like video games exposition is deadly. Instead let us play the game with extra missions using our squad members. Maybe even have things change depending on your actions the way the Quarian/Geth war changed based on Mass Effect 2's choices.
An example could be that, depending on who you romanced, their mission varies. Tali may be working on rebuilding Rannoch, but if you romanced her maybe she leaves to go help on Earth. Garrus could go back to being a bounty hunter, or decide to take a more active role in the Turian military/government.
Also Bioware, releasing this photo,
it's a pretty clear sign you're up to something.
Third: Can we please see how the War Assets matter?
So I spend all game gathering these war assets, and playing the multiplayer to make use of them...and it only serves to unlock a third ending option? Since you're adding more cinematics anyway, that would be a good place to put them. What we saw of the final confrontation was awesome!...So why not show us more?
If we help the Hanar and Elcor, let's see them in combat. At one point in the game an Elcor mentions a racial slur of "living tanks" based on how the Elcor fight. Do you know how much I wanted to see that? I love the Elcor! And I realize that on Earth it would be mostly humans, but if the Krogan, Turian and other races are there in force, why not Salarians, Drell and Elcor?
Hopeful Pleading: Please?
Fourth: Only fix what's broken.
This is a huge one guys, but if you do change anything, only change the stuff that doesn't work. There are plenty of examples, no more Mass Relays means no interstellar travel (never mind the explosions). And the Reapers themselves being sent to kill us so that our own synthetics don't kill us? Logic = Fail.
This really boils down to "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." And there are plenty of things in Mass Effect 3 that do work.
Finally: Shepard needs to stay dead.
I love Shepard, I really do. I think she (yes I play fem!Shep) is an amazing character. And the level of personalization in terms of gameplay and story is just mind boggling. But really, did anyone, any fan of this series expect Shepard to survive? This was clearly stated to be the final conflict. I love the Mass Effect world, but Shepard's role in it is over.
Rest in peace Commander.
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